National Groups Urge Governors to Act Against Opioid Crisis

National Groups Urge Governors to Act Against Opioid Crisis

A conglomerate of 27 national groups, spearheaded by Mothers Against Prescription Drug Abuse, has issued a call to action to governors across the United States. The plea is simple but urgent – to intensify efforts to protect Americans from the lethal grip of opioid addiction and overdose. This call to arms has never been more critical, with the ongoing synthetic opioid crisis devastating communities nationwide.

The groups have taken decisive action, penning a letter to 19 governors, including Ron DeSantis of Florida. Their plea highlights the frightening reality of the nation’s synthetic opioid crisis, where lethal doses of fentanyl, a synthetic opioid, are being sold on the streets and the black market, resulting in an alarming rate of overdoses.

The letter cites terrifying statistics from Florida, where an overwhelming seven out of every 10 pills seized by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) were found to contain lethal doses of fentanyl, as reported by Attorney General Ashley Moody.

The Scale of the Crisis

The synthetic opioid crisis has already claimed an enormous toll. Over the first six months of 2023 alone, Florida experienced more than 7,000 deaths due to overdose. This chilling figure, revealed by NBC 6 South Florida, underscores the urgency of the situation. Nationwide, the crisis is even more dire, with National Institute on Drug Abuse data indicating that over 200 people die every day from synthetic opioid use, with fentanyl being a predominant culprit.

Five-Point Plan of Action

The groups are not just highlighting the problem but also suggesting solutions. They are urging the governors to take five specific actions:

  • Enhance access to and innovation on overdose reversal agents.
  • Allocate more funding for opioid response and grants.
  • Gather actionable data on overdose cases.
  • Provide robust support for first responders.
  • Engage in widespread awareness and education campaigns.

The Call for Urgent Action

The letter concludes with a stark warning, “Without the most effective resources, more Americans will die unnecessarily from fentanyl”. The groups are calling on the governors and all elected officials to act swiftly and decisively to ensure that every tool in the fight against the fentanyl overdose and opioid epidemic is deployed to its fullest extent.

Mothers Against Prescription Drug Abuse, the driving force behind the letter, was founded in 2011 by Janet Janes after she lost her son, Christopher, to an overdose. The organization focuses on prevention, education, and reducing stigma, emphasizing that addiction is not a choice, nor a moral failing. The group’s efforts are now more critical than ever. With the synthetic opioid crisis showing no signs of abating, the time for action is now.

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